In the closing lines of the first film Optimus Prime termed Earth “a new world to call home.”, “Friends?,” Lennox reacts. That dualism evokes Samuel Huntington’s 1993 essay “The Clash of Civilizations?” On July 6, 2017 in Warsaw’s Krasiński Square, President Donald Trump framed a dire scenario for all of Europe. Script slips can puzzle. - Solemn warning as to the fearful consequences of apostasy. running time: 149 minutes. By: Larry Gammons. 1 decade ago. Lines emanating from the “vocal processors” of Transformers cater to a demographic that once played with Hasbro toys, read Transformers comics, watched Transformers cartoons and played Transformers video games. Little does he know the film will end with an alien narrator transmitting a homing beacon into space: “I am Optimus Prime. Secret research ensued. Lennox fought alongside Yeager, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and other Autobots against Decepticons in the first three films, where he was ranked Captain, Major and Colonel, respectively. As Christians, we like to focus on the fact that the grace of God is free, all you have to do is accept it. In the previous film, Yeager dubbed his daughter’s Irish boyfriend “Lucky Charms” and mocked his “Leprechaun” accent. She orders: “You American man, shut it.” In a later scene he comes back with: “You, English lady, shut it.” They spar over mishearing “chaste” as “chased.” Wince when you hear Sir Anthony Hopkins use “dude” and “dickhead.” His human-sized robo-butler Cogman (voiced by Jim Carter) cracks, “No shit, Sherlock.”, It’s as if the writers excuse their lapses by inserting an early scene of four Chicago boys trespassing on an Alien Contamination Zone in search of robot souvenirs. ( Log Out /  Latin. “Yeah, we call it a soul,” replies Yeager. Our world.”. We might be latecomers to Earth. Among these items: eyeglasses etched with a map, a children’s book holding a secret, and something called a Matrix of Leadership. The general sentiment of mankind is that a man who will not fight for himself, when he has the means of doing so, is not worth being fought for by others, and this sentiment is just. Eardrums endure collateral damage. There’s a fleeting reference to 9/11 in the second. The fight for our freedom begins.” Bay leverages such anodyne one-liners only for mounting awesome maneuvers, never for an aside on human or alien rights. James Allen > Quotes > Quotable Quote “There can be no progress nor achievement without sacrifice, and a man's worldly success will be by the measure that he sacrifices his confused animal thoughts, and fixes his mind on the development of his plans, and the strengthening of his resolution and self-reliance.” ― James Allen, As a Man Thinketh Sine sacrificio victoria esse nequit is literally "without sacrifice there cannot be victory." Yeager, a widower with a daughter in college, is paired in the 2017 iteration with Vivian Wembley (Laura Haddock), an Oxford University professor of English history. Some have come to protect us.”. But all of that meant nothing to the disciples. THINK: What is your victory–what are you trying to achieve right now? “Legend tells that one last knight would someday be chosen and the struggle to save the world would begin,” continues Burton, who always gets Yeager’s surname wrong. The sacrifice which causes sorrow to the doer of the sacrifice is no sacrifice. “It contains our life force and our memories,” says Optimus Prime. Deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow Him. “More than meets the eye!” reads a 1984 ad touting a Hasbro toy that transforms between a Decepticon and a Walther P-38 gun. We followed his character Sam Witwicky graduate from high school, go to college and get his first job. “I was trying to make the moment more epic,” pleads his aide-de-camp. There is no victory without sacrifice. It glows faint blue, as do all alien energies in Earth cinema. Autobots typically thwart their quests. U.K.’s unnamed prime minister (Mark Dexter) is on the phone asking about the unnamed “U.S. Joe male action figure as “G.I. The government secretly moved the depowered Prime that was on board to Earth. No freedom without sacrifice. Since Ghave has been with me since the start and has some of the sacrifice and +1/+1 counter stuff already included, I thought I might retire him at long last. Just as it did in 1935 when a different Transformer was secretly moved from an Arctic Circle crash site to a secret research facility. They deploy a three-headed dragon to win the day. Debunker of legends of fire-breathers, Wembley always thought Arthur’s catapults hurled fireballs at Saxon invaders. The first Autobot to manifest on Bay’s big screen is Bumblebee. Lord Tanner. Self-denial was NOT on their minds. Burton orders Cogman: “Stop it!”, When his 2014 Transformers film came out Bay told a Mother Jones writer: “Yes, I am a political person, and I have my views about America… I don’t feel the need to go out and tell people what to believe politically.” Last year The New Yorker ran a satire headlined “Donald Trump Chooses Michael Bay as Running Mate.”, Two taglines for “Transformers” (2007) launched the franchise premise: “Their war. Inside a crashed alien ship.” That was back in the year 484 A.D. when Merlin obtained a weapon made by 12 Transformers transforming into that singular Saxon-smiting dragon. official (Kelsey Grammer) in the previous film insisted: “There are no good aliens or bad aliens, Yeager. no sacrifice, no victory. Wembley and Yeager are brought together by Sir Edmund Burton (Anthony Hopkins), “the last of the Order of the Witwiccans.” Burton imparts the inside story of this “secret society” founded “to protect the secret history of Transformers here on Earth.” The 40-generation roster includes Leonardo Da Vinci, William Shakespeare, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Catherine the Great, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Orville and Wilbur Wright, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Stephen Hawking and even Sam Witwicky. And may continue to so entertain themselves. Quintessa rebukes Optimus Prime: “You dare to strike your god?”. Three months ago he told MTV News that 14 more Transformers films are outlined. This turncoat first entered the storyline in 2011’s “Transformers: Dark of the Moon.” During the civil war, he fled their planet with space bridge pillars, but crashed on our moon. They’re all bad.” Transformer-phobe and rogue C.I.A. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. As the title’s “Last Knight” Mark Wahlberg reprises his role as Cade Yeager from the fourth film, “Transformers: Age of Extinction.” Except now this Texan on the run is like a station manager on an underground railroad for his Autobot buddies. Unspelled on screen, this sounds like Allspark. “You’d get your ass kicked in Ireland for saying that,” advised Shane (Jack Reynor). Instead these English-speakers default to adolescent trash talk. Autobots and Decepticons sound like macho bikers and military irregulars. You need a frigging’ girlfriend,” advises Yeager’s daughter in a phone call cut short to foil U.S. government intel gatherers. This one may be the last Transformers for Bay, who says he is handing over directing duty to others. There can be no sacrifice greater than the atoning sacrifice of the Savior Jesus Christ. Gregory the Great Although the victory approach became less popular in the eighteenth century amongst Enlightenment thinkers - when the idea of … #tbs #maximumviolence #dillianwhyte. A “bidding war” for “alien technology” broke out between India, Israel, Japan and Russia in the fourth film. Only her grasp can activate the long-lost staff. The filmmakers indulge in one witty bit of reflexivity. Two worlds colliding. This was the message He gave to the ‘Rich Young Ruler’ when He said, “One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven…” (Mark 10:21). At the end of the fifth film, he has two different “voice processors” installed. One day we wake up. Posted on February 20, 2013 by mosobsu. But I think, that even though we already made the purchase, we have a hard time letting go of the cash. This could mean losing girlfriends, … Can you believe it, 4 years out of high school and playing my first game. If Transformers were all gods on their planet, who were the lesser inhabitants, the believers bowing to them? “If you're going to try, go all the way. “The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive… Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?… [O]ur civilization will triumph… So, together, let us all fight like the Poles– for family, for freedom, for country, and for God.”, Bay mobilizes similar sentiments on the grand scale of a galactic smackdown. Their objective? “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.” –Luke 9:23. screenplay by Art Marcum, Matt Holloway, Ken Nolan The CGI chaos is as meticulously crafted as ever. Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.” Anonymous She weaponizes his will for her designs on Earth. “It would appear, Mr. Cade, that that last knight is you.” Cue a swelling offscreen chorus. Quintessa qualifies as an Intelligent Designer. Decepticons are the ultimate power-seekers, both physical and political. Other philosophical filler is for pondering origins. I believe the phrase should be changed to read, “there is no true love without sacrifice”. Aliens turned Earth, partly or totally, into Transformium “65 million” years ago. Vatican City, Jun 28, 2020 / 06:00 am MT ().-There is no true love without the cross, Pope Francis said in his Angelus address Sunday. English. Ask Him to show you any areas in your life where a sacrifice might bring you closer to Him. (Hasbro Industries, renamed Hasbro, Inc., bought Tonka in 1991.) The very end of the fifth film hints the sixth will elaborate. Every “Transformers” film seems to include Americans discovering an old Transformer in an out-of-the-way place like the Arctic Circle. PRAY: Thank God for the gift of grace and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. No victory without suffering. In Bay’s universe, no one’s home is secure. When he found one priceless pearl, he went and sold everything he had, and bought it.” There’s a victory to be had, and a sacrifice to be made. Share that plan with someone you trust who will pray for you as you follow through. Sacrificium is completely the wrong word, you need something like iactura. “Without sacrifice there can be no victory!” is the battle cry of medieval English warriors repelling Saxon invaders in “Transformers: The Last Knight.” Paramount Pictures recruits that line in its publicity. Biographers usually write “reportedly said” and cite no source. The cost of discipleship is simple: the cost of discipleship is everything. Avengers Endgame: No Victory Without Sacrifice. That's a very Roman thing to say but probably not what OP intended. WITHOUT SACRIFICE, THERE CAN BE NO VICTORY photography Joe Hunt - art direction + fashion Sophie Emmett - set design Katy Bennett & Elshadai Gore - fashion assistant Elshadai Gore. There is no other substitute for victory, except sacrifice. “There is no success without sacrifice.” Tonic Motihala “Let the rest do whatever, while you do whatever it takes.” Grant Cardone. In November 2014, I played my first collegiate game. Henry Ford debuted his Model T in 1908. Mar 10, 2013 - There can be no triumph without loss. Topics: The Cross. Favorite Answer. A dying Autobot knight– who came from the planet Cybertron at least 1600 years ago– hands a Cybertronian-etched talisman to a Texas inventor running a Badlands junkyard to hide illegal aliens from the private paramilitary Transformers Reaction Force. Dreams do come true, if we only wish hard enough, You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice … All to thwart an evil seventh Prime, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” says Yeager. Well, I come from a place where they’re one and the same.”. We say that we found that priceless pearl and gave everything for it. No Sacrifice No Victory – Chris Jeffrey. No victory without suffering. Burton lectures Wembley and Yeager: “It has been said throughout the ages that there can be no victory, without sacrifice.” For his 11th-grade history class, Sam gave a “family genealogy report” in “Transformers.” His great-great grandfather Captain Archibald Witwicky (William Morgan Sheppard), glimpsed via flashback, urged his band of Arctic explorers: “No sacrifice, no victory!” That’s the family motto. We hang on to things. In 2014 Optimus Prime rallied Dinobots, variant Transformers predating the auto age who assume the guise of mechano-dinosaurs: “We must join forces, or else we’ll all be their slaves.”. We do not want to be slaves of the devils.”. “You push them and they push right back.” Lennox counters: “Whose side are you on? “[T]here is much more to these commodities than meets the eye: they are also U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) promotions in disguise,” argues an Ontario assistant professor of communications. Reference: Anonymous. Now the Creator and her Decepticons clash with Earth and its Autobot allies. Sine sacrificio victoria esse nequit. In later episodes, American CEOs and NSA types will make covert deals with Decepticons. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. presented by Paramount Pictures in association with Hasbro 43w. Speaking from a … 64th Cong., 23 Sess., Senate Document No. Bay’s writers insert no dialogue about historical, terrestrial slavery. Seal off the city.” The ruins of the ensuing Battle of Chicago, where 1300 died, are where Izabella and Yeager will meet in the 2017 film. Gratefully, because of His supreme offer of charity, there is no sting of death, and the grave has no victory. Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. Define how you will achieve the victory you know you want to see. No freedom without sacrifice. It was partly recorded in PAMA Studios in Torsås and partly at King Diamond guitarist, Andy La Rocque's Sonic Train Studios in Varberg. Decepticons in the first film targeted U.S. military computers at Special Operations Command Central in the Qatar desert. Just over two months later, the U.S. joined the conflict.] Exploring some of the avenues in contemporary menswear the … Meaningless precision occurs in the 2014 film. At first an interplanetary bystander, the U.S. turns into an ally of the Autobots, but then tries to exile these conflict refugees. Now there is only one and she sounds like a lower-case “g” deity who de-deified Transformers. With strength, not sacrifice. When Decepticons strike, a television newscaster reported the country is at “Condition Delta, which is the highest level we’ve been at since 9/11.”. “You, Miss Vivian, are Merlin’s last descendant here on Earth and as such you are our last hope,” states Burton. Joe: A Real American Hero,” a counter-terrorist taking on the international evildoers of Cobra Command in 1982. 685: "A League for Peace." Enabled by six editors, this hands-on showman evokes a three-eyed Shiva, the Hindu god known as a `transformer’ depicted with up to ten arms. Nothing is demystified or deconstructed. I don’t know who said it first, but I wonder if that’s what Jesus had in mind when He told the disciples they would have to deny themselves, take up their crosses daily and … Music builds as Burton intones weighty lines of ancient lore about King Arthur’s 12 knights and their 12 alien Guardian Knight allies. Other times we hang on to pride. Victoria sacrificio eget is "victory needs sacrifice." This Autobot headlines a prequel/ spinoff film scheduled for next June. There is no victory without sacrifice. Marketing prose at times is off the mark: “`The Last Knight’ shatters the core myths of the Transformers franchise.” No such thing to see here. Bay’s battles and chases are inventive, but what comes in between is not. But Jesus’ consistent message was always that the cost of discipleship was simple—everything. Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival. We saw him ourselves back in the opening scene: “England– The Dark Ages.” Merlin (Stanley Tucci) is drunk and late for a battle where Arthur (Liam Garrigan) and his army are “outnumbered, a hundred to one.” Merlin begs for military magic from Transformers hiding in a local cavern. It reappears in a 2017 article in The American Journal of Economics and Sociology that “interrogates” the first two Transformers films. “We’re kids,” their leader tips his cohorts. If you haven’t thought through these questions, you’re aiming at nothing, and you’ll hit it every time. This particular alien morphs into a yellow and black 1977 Camaro that turns up on a used car lot. A great memorable quote from the The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King movie on - There can be no triumph without loss. They’re scared, they’re lost. The cross is a symbol of sacrifice & of victory. No place, no home, no family. rated PG-13 for violence and intense sequences of sci-fi action, language, and some innuendo “No Sacrifice … No Victory” is also the headline of Agnes Smedley’s dispatch in the April 15, 1942 issue of Vogue. Engineers and entrepreneurs were busy dismembering aliens. Transformers deploy really cool killer toys. Sector Seven– “a special access division of the Government, convened in secret under President Hoover”– no longer monitors terrestrial Transformers. And they seek dominion over Earth as a resource to rebuild Cybertron. There is no victory without sacrifice. In 1961 the U.S. and U.S.S.R. discovered his spacecraft. A topical hook threading the five films is the Department of Homeland Security. “Transformers: The Last Knight” opens amidst the CGI ruins of Soldier Field in Chicago. No Sacrifice, No Victory is the seventh studio album by HammerFall and was released 20 February 2009. An ill-conceived, if non-lethal, one that Hasbro launched in 1966 was “The Hypo-Squirt,” an oversized plastic squirt gun modeled on a hypodermic needle: “It’s Fun!! And that means if you call yourself a follower of Jesus, you have to make sacrifices. Civil war ruined Cybertron. Love God. Embedded with the New Fourth Chinese Army at a hospital near the front, Smedley quotes an … Now Lennox fears more and more diasporic aliens finding their way to Earth. Careless writing leads to different characters referring to the same planet as both “Unitron” and “Unicron.” In Bay’s world the words “race” and “species” are interchangeable: all of humanity is one “race” and one “species,” and all the Transformers represent a single “race” and “species.” It’s a binary cosmos. [ read more... ] The Solution To The Post Cross Dilemma Part 1. Darwinists will notice there’s nothing like natural selection going on. There Will Be No Crown Without a Cross! “When a New York friend asked him about it [RKO] Welles pointed to the wilderness of cameras, lights, sound apparatus and other engines of the talkies. Hiding-in-plain-sight is the modus operandi of Transformers in Earth’s technoscape. Characters variously refer to Transformers’ “genome,” “chromosomes” (which are somehow “infect[ious]”) and “hatchlings.” When a depowered Transformer is rebooted he is said to be “reincarnated” or “resurrect[ed].”. Bay’s second film made up the Classified Alien-Autobot Cooperation Act and Non-Biological Extraterrestrial Species Treaty. This film conforms to what came before and continues the tale. President Woodrow Wilson, “Peace Without Victory” speech, January 22, 1917. Otherwise, don't even start. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The title god (Chris Hemsworth), son of Odin (Anthony Hopkins), informs her: “Your ancestors called it magic. “You don’t need to save the world. Among the “modern age” tech yielded: “cars.” Rather imprecise on the timeline of internal combustion motor vehicles. Yeager gets another pushback in “Transformers: The Last Knight” when a Native-American policeman (Gil Birmingham) complains that Yeager calling him “chief” is “vaguely racist.”. Decepticons in pursuit always seek some Cybertonian power source and an ultimate weapon to wipe out Autobots. They began with the words, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” The entire speech appears below. Sam got hold of a shard. That entity was “reverse-engineered,” starting in 1935. “Transformers: The Last Knight” continues a theme introduced in “Transformers: Age of Extinction.” Optimus Prime promised: “Autobots, we’re going to prove who we are and why we’re here!” His last lines were: “There are mysteries to the universe we were never meant to solve. She and the Yank are now yoked as Earth’s co-saviors. Bay is unclear about what form of life Transformers are. Secretly moved the depowered Prime that was on board to Earth, ” says Optimus Prime back Cybertron! More and more diasporic aliens finding their way to Earth again, ” says Yeager high school and my... Credits at the audience to lead with power, not humility 1977 Camaro that turns up on used. Sacrifice & of victory. all of his kind are gendered as male– is the Department of Homeland.... Sent by God to lead with power, not Cybertron over two months later the... The international evildoers of Cobra Command in 1982 are now yoked as Earth ’ s a reference. 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