2) 20% tästä on 1’400’000’000 henkilöä (c) 20 percent of your stock takes up 80 percent of your warehouse space. It isn’t just money: anything that people produce creatively ends up in that distribution. Yeah, water always takes the path of least resistance, and once it gets going it affords less resistance to the water flowing behind it. Jos maapallon väestömäärä olisi siinä miljardin paikkeilla ihmiskunnalla ei olisi mitään toivoa päästä tuohon 15:nnentoista tason älykkyyteen. (e) 20 percent of the tasks account for 80 percent of the value….. Jordan Bernt Peterson (born 12 June 1962) is a Canadian YouTube personality, clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.He began to receive widespread attention in the late 2010s for his views on cultural and political issues. Pareto distributions of big 5 characteristics. Under a Pareto Distribution where: As such, if there are nine authors, three will produce half of the output. If you were to plot all traders on a graph, the successful traders who make most of the money out of the markets would make up a very small portion of the graph relative to the majority of traders who try their hand at trading. - Quote by Jordan Peterson. Jordan Peterson in conversation with Iain McGilchrist A conversation between Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. Iain McGilchrist about how the brain interprets reality and what influences our thoughts and perceptions. Jordan mentions the Pareto distribution, also known as the 80/20 rule. (g) 20 percent of a company’s staff will output 80 percent of its production. This is, curiously, present within the human personality matrix as well: Conscientiousness is something like fixation on perfecting tried and true win more strategies, whereas openness and creativity is fixation on high risk high reward strategies. Subscribe to TheArchangel911. (d) If you have to do ten things, two of those are usually worth as much as the other eight put together. Never gambling does seem to lead to diminishing returns from that same old thing that's been the standard strategy for a very long time. Winning makes it easier to win more, and losing too much makes it very likely to lose even more. And it even seems to apply to the wealth and poverty distribution of the world as a whole – see Visualisation on page 39 of this issue. Your comment was one of my favorites and it's got almost no upvotes. Mutta mitä teemme tällä tiedolla? Like that point in a game of Monopoly where it's pretty clear to everyone who's going to win the game, they're ecstatic, and their brother is getting a knife from the kitchen. Pareto Distribution: The Scary Truth About Success & Wealth Distribution Jordan Peterson. Paretos relevant to that specific set of people. Evolutionary gambles seem to tend to lose, but the instances where the gamble pays off can result in massive wins that change the distribution in the larger scope. Oil works great to convert to energy used for transportation, but not forever. There's a much higher chance you will have a high IQ child if you and your spouse are high IQ - but your kid can also become high IQ through sheer chance. Definition: Pareto distribution is a skewed, heavy-tailed distribution that is sometimes used to model that distribution of incomes.The basis of the distribution is that a high proportion of a population has low income while only a few people have very high incomes. Where 80% of wealth is held by 20% of the population, but also mentioning that it’s easier for those 20%’ers to reach more success and keep their success – because the rich get … (d) 80 percent of your stock comes from 20 percent of your suppliers. Still, that's where the majority of valuable content generation seems to come from. I haven't looked into IQ enough to say much, but I'll give a whack at it. One of the results of the okcupid studies is that men tended to rate women on normal distribution, but women tended to rate men on more of a pareto distribution. There's also a lot more people in the population who are not high IQ than there are who are high IQ - in other words, if you look at humanity as a whole, it's more like we have a genetic mass of high IQ genes, and when some of it concentrates within a single individual, they are especially smart, but this does not only follow the win more principle as it's quite hard to achieve generationally. And if you look at the solar system geometrically, you can find the same pattern in terms of which 2d plane the planets use for orbiting the sun - there's all of these other ways in which the planets could move, but they have gone to something like a disc shape over time. Jordan Peterson teaches that all production occurs in a Pareto distribution, in which half of the output for a given group is produced by the square root of all participants. Billionaires -- Having a lot of money makes it easier to make even more money. It seems pretty interesting. When you have a lot of money, it ends up accumulating in the hands of a few people. Take bees. How many of these are true Pareto distributions and not normal distributions? Those who never play the lottery eventually lose. 132547 views . Pareto discovered that 20% of his garden’s pea pods produced 80% of the peas. In this discussion, Jordan Peterson presents the problem, or the phenomenon of inequality. Welcome to the discourse! I use the example of matter, because you're discussing sociology, and that's not the native point of origin for 'win more' and pareto distributions. A Pareto distribution characterizes desirability for men and women (a small percentage of each get the most inquiries) but the situation is much more dire for less desirable men Jordan Peterson discusses the phenomenon known as the Pareto distribution in regards to creative output and our ability to perform. – kuinka monta [tietokoneohjelmoijaa / ojankaivajaa / jne] maailmassa on? We usually ignore them entirely unless they're up to something. The phenomenon occurs so often it is now known either as the “Pareto principle” or “Pareto's 80–20 rule” or, even, with a philosophical bent, “the law of the vital few”. Of course, high IQ does not guarantee or even indicate reproductive success - merely financial success - and the reason for that is, high IQ women don't reproduce as often as low IQ women. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Psychology professor Jordan B. Peterson explains the basis of Pareto distribution, what seems to govern any domain of creative production (and therefore much of the allocation of money). You might consider this as some kind of game theory geometry - and it's not clear exactly which strategy will serve you, as an individual or us as a society, best - but what's clear is that we need all elements of both conscientiousness and openness. 4) 20% tästä on 56’000’000 henkilöä It applies all the way up. (b) 20 percent of your effort will generate 80 percent of your results. Tätä samaa logiikkaa voi soveltaa muihinkin “ammatteihin” kuin älykkyyteen esittämällä kysymys: Date: Jun 13, 2018 "Buy everything you can get your hands on," Jordan Peterson on Monopoly & the Pareto Distribution. Conscientiousness is something like fixation on perfecting tried and true win more strategies, whereas openness and creativity is fixation on high risk high reward strategies. Tässä sama asia konkreettisesti vähä-älyisemmänkin ymmärrettäväksi selitettynä: 1) ihmiskunta on 7’000’000’000 henkilöä It seems plausible for the distribution of wealth among all people, but not so much as a factor in how individuals experience the benefits of their own action (aiming high). 8) 20% tästä on 89’600 henkilöä It's not the same people, it's the same proportion of people at the top, but that's different. I'd like to hear your thoughts about these things. Between planets, it's also the same thing, with the gas giants and the smaller planets. How Peterson likes Coldplay will remain a puzzle that perhaps only a new understanding of what material reality is could solve. The really really good content comes from the long tail of people that aren't getting much attention towards the things they're working on. No amount of ranting will undo a Pareto distribution. So there's competing pareto distributions at work within humanity. Often based on things like work, school, and people we know who live in the area. The Pareto distribution, named after the Italian civil engineer, economist, and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto[1], is a power-law probability distribution that is used in description of social, scientific, geophysical, actuarial, and many other types of observable phenomena. We choose what others choose based in mimetic desire, then it creates pareto distributions based on whichever option we're all choosing. Required fields are marked*, Jewish Honesty Litmus Test: Degrees of Dishonesty, Hollywood Black List Creates Independent Studios, Why a Very Few Have SOO Much – Prof. Jordan Peterson Explains Pareto Distribution. Exceptions here and there, but for the most part it works like this: Jobs -- Heavy gravity towards working the same jobs that lots of other people also have. edit: Looks like you do tend to be found in this subreddit. This is the general 'win more' principle - the full version of which is something like, 'those who have won will win more' principle - wherein things that have grown will grow faster than things that have not grown. With 10 employees, 3 do the half the work. Drugs -- People talk about or use the same drugs other people are also talking about or using. But the sociologists can no more explain it than the economists can. Jordan has been on the podcast multiple times, he’s one of my favorite human beings to talk to, I’m just happy that he exists. I understand what you're referring to as The Matthew Effect. Jordan Peterson & Pareto Law What state socialism and what Marx himself did not recognize was the Pareto Law. square root of players. Pareto’s Principle of Unequal Distribution) was suggested by the Joseph Juran (1904-2008), an American management consultant that was born in Romania (Braila). Pareto distribution: The Pareto distribution isn't actually mentioned in Chapter 4 (it is in Chapter 1), but the video clip for this chapter does. Training of the g factor, which later gets applied to whichever topics they're exposed to. Transcription. That's what governs the pareto distribution. - Quote by Jordan Peterson. 10,000 employees, 100 do half the work. There is only one law of sociology that is more universal: Some do. It's something like a lottery principle. (e) 80 percent of your sales will come from 20 percent of your sales force. So if the earth had twice the radius, it would have something like 9 times the volume, and therefore 9 times the gravity. Kun tätä pyramidia jatketaan, niin se korkein taso mihin ihmiskunta voi yltää älyssä riippuu väestön kokonaismäärästä! Sports players -- There's always a particular kind of body that is a very popular choice for a particular position in a particular sport. Social interaction -- Everyone wants to tell the hot girl she's very pretty, tell her she's amazing, forgive her for things, smile at her, give her stuff we hope she likes, and thank her for gracing us with her presence. In this lecture, he talks about Pareto distribution and comparing it with the Normal distribution. There are massive distinctions between these two and I think it is interesting to note down some of them. In 1906, Vilfredo Pareto introduced the concept of the Pareto Distribution when he observed that 20% of the pea pods were responsible for 80% of the peas planted in his garden. Attractiveness comes to mind: true there are very few very attractive people, but I’d argue there are more “average” people than people on the far end of the ugly scale. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Since Jordan Peterson stepped into the spotlight after the Bill C-16 controversy, he has attracted the attention of numerous journalists attempting to discredit him. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson. He refers to the Pareto distribution, which I had to look up.The Pareto principle is also called the 80/20 rule, which is, in essence, that 80% of outputs come from 20% of causes. – Emme mitään! It works at the galactic scale too. Well, at least he hasn't mentioned "Nickleback" That would probably lead to a new Distribution, though probably one closer to String Theory. That's a fun one to look into. 9) 20% tästä on 17’920 henkilöä When Peterson refers to it, he is discussing a study showing that creative production is almost always distributed according to the Pareto distribution – that is, a small portion of the people contribute the majority of the output. Under a Pareto Distribution where: Contents: 0) Introduction to Peterson 1) Hierarchies and Serotonin 2) Pareto Distribution, Wealth and Productivity 3) Pareto Distribution, Male Reproductive Success tl;dr = We tend to make the same choices others also make, and those choices create pareto distributions. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Where to live -- The same places where other people also live. This forum is dedicated to the work associated with Dr. Jordan Peterson: a public intellectual, clinical psychologist, and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. High IQ women do seem to be in a pretty difficult situation. I've got my own personal gravity towards sociology, influencing the results we observed in the posting subtext. (a) 80 percent of the results are achieved by 20 percent of the group. If sociologists were really serious, their discipline would begin with this law, for it really is a law. https://theblog.okcupid.com/your-looks-and-your-inbox-8715c0f1561e. – Tästä joukosta 20% tajuaa saman verran kuin joukon loput 80%. "You always get a Pareto distribution, not a normal distribution when you're talking about productivity." This reminds me of Howard Blooms's The Lucifer Principle and his theory of the 5 principle actors in complex adaptive systems: Sounds like much of what your talking about falls into Rene Girards Memetic desire theory rather than pareto distribution. 5) 20% tästä on 11’200’000 henkilöä He tuottavat 80% tuotannosta. Worlds wealth is mostly distributed between criminal and ethnic networks. Agreed, very interesting. In other words, if you observe the distribution, you know that there is a win more principle at work. The native point of origin is geometry or game theory, depending on how you look at it - and that's because this is where you can see the principle as a logical consequence of structure. https://theblog.okcupid.com/your-looks-and-your-inbox-8715c0f1561e, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the JordanPeterson community.
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