This principle takes into account the fact that tattoos and piercing other than simple ear piercing are highly offensive to some people. considering getting a tattoo of a swallow, but they never said andything about tattoos/piercings when i was younger in CCD or church. Are Tattoos Suitable for Catholics? I personally think that the piercings and the tattoos are something to represent your personality, to express your thoughts, to be who you are. ISSUE: What is the teaching of the Church on tattoos and body piercing? . The Church offers principles by which Catholics can discern whether it is sinful to be tattooed or have one’s body pierced in particular situations. If your intent was to purposely mark yourself in such a way as to blaspheme Christ, his Mother or any of his friends (the saints), then this would clearly be a sin. Another problem that has infected Catholics in this century is the practice and/or acceptance of self-mutilation in the form of tattooing and skin piercing. Some scholars say the tattoo should be covered while in prayer. The only preferences are that the piercing be done in the ear. Russell Grigaitis, who now regrets getting several tattoos in his 20s, argues in a National Catholic Register interview, "God created the body. But this verse is not binding upon Christians for the same reason that the verse “nor shall there come upon you a garment of cloth made of two kinds of stuff” (Lev. However, makeup, dyed hair, jewelry and rings, like tattoos and piercings, are all examples of non-functional adornments solely used for beautification purposes. ISSUE: What is the teaching of the Church on tattoos and body piercing? I hear so often that tattoos and piercings are not of God etc. However, the church would expect you to be respectful of your own body and not to do anything that would be viewed as unhealthy (e.g. Multiple piercing are allowed, but should be limited in number and to women. Quite often there are hidden prophetic messages behind tattoo and piercings! A tattoo is like putting graffiti on a work of art." The reason being that, in principle, the Church does not oppose tattoos. Physical Graffiti: A Catholic Perspective on Tattoos, Piercings, and “Body Art” Every day, across the United States — indeed, throughout the world — men and women, boys and girls, get themselves tattooed and pierced. Preview. We ought to dress modestly, in part, to prevent others from being attracted to us out of a mere "focus on body parts." One off lesson aimed at sparking discussion about choices & consequences related to body art. Twitter can be a harsh place. God desires to set his people apart from other cultures. Moral Law Sometimes people point to the passage in Leviticus that says, ”Do not... put tattoo marks on yourselves. It has now become the "fad" among men and women to tamper with the body that God gave them in This is complete nonsense and it is NOT a teaching of the Church. an odd question. One aspect of dressing modestly is to make sure everything needing to be covered is, in fact, adequately covered. Tattoos and body piercings most definitely draw attention, and often may be desired for precisely these immodest reasons. In the years since the first tattoo, my art has certainly inspired some great conversations. Many upright people are repelled by modern fads and fashions, such as tattooing, multiple earrings and other body piercing, but feel unequipped to give a clear judgment on the morality of such practices, or to rebut the charge that they are elevating their personal preferences into a moral code. There’s too much mumbo jumbo on the Internet, and I would truly appreciate finding something concrete and understandable. And I think it's hypocritical that women preach about it yet they have there ears pierced ? Tattoos whose words and images celebrate the demonic, are unchaste, or otherwise offend against charity are immoral. 10 years ago. Tattoo's & Skin Piercing by Bill Wyler, 1997 "You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh, for the dead; neither shall you make in yourselves any figures or marks. . Items which reference drugs or alcohol, or have content inconsistent with Catholic teaching are inappropriate. Tattoos and piercings should be acceptable regardless of the job and should not change a person’s perception of the worker. Answer: Old Testament prohibitions regarding tattoos are considered ceremonial laws and thus are not binding on Christians. Just because the Church doesn’t prohibit getting one doesn’t mean that you should. Tattoos and Body Piercings Does it matter what the Bible Says? In talking with priests and my other family members (as reflected in the article) as long as it isn’t something evil or completely stupid that we will don’t want it, it’s fine. Perhaps you have heard of television shows like â Miami Ink, LA Ink, New York Ink.â It is generally on the TLC channel. This pack includes a Powerpoint, worksheets, clips, all well differentiated. The Catholic Church does not have as rigid guidelines for piercing as tattoos. -Leviticus xix. thank you so much :) *also, i would appreciate if you didnt bash my religion. Should Christians follow this practice? Consider the following question: Would you put a bumper sticker on a ferrai? 827 North Fourth Street A: A tattoo in and of itself is not a sin. Could you please explain to me rationally without using [complex] words, and yet using theology, and convince me why I shouldn’t get a tattoo? Deputy head teacher Martin Boagey was quoted by the Daily Mail: The school expects all members of staff to project a professional image and we have a code of conduct, part of which requires members of staff with tattoos to cover them up. Christian Tattoos Most opposition to tattoos among American Christians is cultural, not scriptural. This teaching is found specifically in 1 Cor. put tattoo marks on yourselves. There is no specific teaching. also wondering their views on contraception. Namely, it is a part of the ceremonial law that was binding upon the Jewish people but not binding upon Christians (except for when it coincides with the moral law). Anonymous. If, during that time, you change your mind about the type of tattoo you wanted, or where it should be located, perhaps wait another several months before getting it. Author: Created by annehill29. Does the New Testament say anything about tattoos and body piercing? The Hebrew prohibition is based on interpreting Leviticus 19:28—"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you"—so as to prohibit tattoos, and perhaps even makeup.. Ceremonial Law vs. 10 years ago. I am the LORD." For when there is a change in the priesthood, there is necessarily a change in the law as well (11-12). Many good Catholic young people bear on their bodies the trendy markings of their times: tattoos, body piercings and other forms of "body art." Mass Day attire: Boys should wear long pants, shirt or sweater. Tattoos are a permanent mark on the body and should be taken seriously. Free. Jun 4, 2019 - Explore Jenny Bentley Ryan's board "Catholic Tattoos", followed by 164 people on Pinterest. The images should not be immoral, such as sexually explicit, Satanic, or in anyway opposed to the truths and teachings of Christianity. Sometimes people point to the passage in Leviticus that says, ”Do not . 3. Interpretations of the passage vary, however. T he Pope has backed tattoos, saying they can help build communities.. At a meeting with young people ahead of an upcoming Synod of Catholic bishops, Pope Francis told them "don't be afraid of tattoos Included in this perspective is the biblical standard that the only offence we should give is the offensiveness of the message about Christ and his cross. One off lesson aimed at sparking discussion about choices & consequences related to body art. Thomas O’Donnell, S.J., Medicine and Christian Morality: Second Revised and Updated Edition [New York: Alba House: New York, 1991], p. 122). If you have found this information to be helpful, please consider a donation to CUF to help sustain this service. Warning - some unpleasant images. 4:14). One can apply color to one’s skin by make-up (as is common among women), magic markers (as is common among children), press-on tattoos (as are common in Crackerjack boxes), or with real tattoos. Catholics should be mindful of these considerations regarding their own conduct, while being merciful toward those who may have or get tattoos or some type of body piercing. 28. In this light, because of a concern for the spread of disease and problems that could result from eating, tongue piercing specifically could be questioned. The answer is “yes.” There is the New Testament concept that our bodies are not our own. 4.3 4 customer reviews. I get responses daily to my tweets that might make your hair rise on end. RESPONSE: Tattoos and acts of body piercing are not intrinsically evil. Steubenville, OH 43952 The subject of the tattoo is also of utmost importance too. In this lesson students will talk about their attitudes towards tattoos, read a text about the growing popularity of tattooing in the UK, design a tattoo for somebody and take part in a role play about a tattoo dilemma. Maybe a little historical context will help put the question in perspective. St. Thérèse of Lisieux Against the Plague | Suzie Andres, How Families Can Prepare for Spiritual Warfare | Kathleen Beckman, How Can Beauty & Culture Save the World? © Copyright 2021 Catholic Exchange. This particular passage and the surrounding verses in the book of Leviticus are specifically dealing with the pagan religious rituals of the heathen nations living around the Israelites at that time. The focus here is prohibiting worldly idol worship and witchcraft. The lesson investigates sepsis, regret and possible career consequences. I am the Lord” (19:28). Catholics should be mindful of these considerations regarding their own conduct, while being merciful toward those who may have or get tattoos or some type of body piercing. Many quote Leviticus 19 where it says not to get tattoos. There are Catholic symbols tattooed on bodies. Created: Feb 6, 2012 | Updated: Mar 14, 2013. The Catholic Church does not have as rigid guidelines for piercing as tattoos. Catholics are forbidden from keeping the ashes of cremated loved ones at home, scattering them, dividing them between family members or turning … The Church offers principles by which Catholics can discern whether it is sinful to be tattooed or have one’s body pierced in particular situations. You can call the toll-free line, visit us at, or send your contribution to the address below. However, the Church does provide general principles to consider. There is no reason why one cannot color one’s skin, which is what tattooing amounts to. And throughout history, the Tattooing and piercing has always been condemned by Bible Believing Christians. Designed for delivery by non-specialists. I am curious if body piercing is wrong, wouldn't it be wrong to wear earrings as well? I have 6 piercings and I honestly love them, they represent who I am, and what I like, I think tattoos are pretty cool and I am totally agree with this to express yourself or in case you wants them, I am also agree with that. Read more. In addition, we are not aware that the Church has pronounced on tattoos, body piercing in general, or tongue piercing specifically. It's important to look at the verse in context. God desires to set his people apart from other cultures. The answer is “yes”, no matter the teachings that are followed. | R. Jared Staudt, PhD. The reasons for the tattoos and body piercing have a lot to do with the possible existence and degree of sin. Here’s the most negative tweets – unfiltered – I got in a random week (April 21-28, simply the week before I wrote this intro): “As the False Prophet, he [Pope Francis] will be one … Discussion vs. Ear-Piercing Debate Online Read More » up., Catholics United for Faith Tattoos and acts of body piercing are not intrinsically evil. As evangelists called to make disciples of all nations, we must not allow ourselves to write people off because of their tattoos or bodily piercing. If a particular act of tattooing or body piercing entails a likely risk to health, it would be more or less sinful depending upon the gravity of the risk. I am the Lord." Mt 28:18-20). A trainee teacher was sent home from a "strict" Catholic school because of a tattoo on her neck.. using dirty needles for piercing and risking serious infections!) Other forms of body piercing could also be questionable, depending on how they are done. For example, there is the issue of totality to consider. The Bible is quite clear that tattoos are forbidden: "Do not lacerate your bodies for the dead, and do not tattoo yourselves. For a long time in America, tattoos were associated with subcultures that were considered undesirable. Information Specialist Chris Silvester, tattoo artist and former teacher I have over 100 tattoos and when I was teaching I had about 40 – symbols of pi with the numbers … Prudence dictates that persons considering tattoos or body piercing research any health risks that may be involved. Thus, surgical mutilation or other disfigurement must not seriously impair or destroy bodily functions or the beauty of the individual (cf. Dear TIA, A friend has asked me to inquire as to whether or not the Church has ever spoken clearly regarding what has become almost an obsession today, that is, tattoos, of all kinds and sizes and themes, on their bodies, particularly by teenagers. I’m afraid that I cannot explain—either with simple, or complex words—why you shouldn’t get a tattoo. In other words, Catholics should not behave in ways that will unnecessarily offend others and therefore impede the Church’s mission to make disciples of all nations (cf. I know many say no, and I know the Church didn’t make a specific statement on this issue. However there are two main things I consider: First, the Church teaches that mutilation is wrong (except when you have to mutilate one part for the good of the whole body), because the finality of a human person implies the integrity of her body. Is ear piercing a sin? All rights reserved. Lv 7. It is an opinion. See more ideas about catholic tattoos, tattoos, orca tattoo. An hour long, fully resourced lesson focusing on the potential short and long term consequences of tattoos and body piercings. Consider the arguments against tattooing (there’s bound to be a good website out there devoted to that). The Church has never prohibited ear piercing and, in the Bible, there is no prohibition against the wearing of earrings and nose rings (cf. Now if perfection had been attainable through the Levit’ical priesthood (for under it the people received the law), what further need would there have been for another priest to arise after the order of Melchiz’edek, rather than one named after the order of Aaron? The Catholics (and one Baptist) in my family that do have tattoos are my mom, grandmother (not Catholic), sister, her boyfriend, and myself. Multiple piercing are allowed, but should be limited in number and to women. C hristians are divided on whether tattoos are acceptable, and there is no clear-cut teaching on the topic.. Catholics United for the Faith The only preferences are that the piercing be done in the ear. When considering getting a tattoo, here are some important considerations: 1. While “Mom” is probably a safe bet, tattooing your current girlfriend’s name on your arm probably isn’t. We do have members of staff with tattoos, and they are happy to abide by the code of conduct. Please feel free to call us at 1-800-MY FAITH or email us with any further questions on this or any other subject. If you still feel strongly about the tattoo you had in mind after that time, then maybe get it. Similarly, St. Irenaeus of Lyon wrote, “The laws of bondage, however, were one by one promulgated to the people by Moses, suited for their instruction or for their punishment, as Moses himself declared: ‘And the Lord commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and judgments’ (Deut. Tongue piercing could also be questioned on “appearance” grounds: specifically how it impairs one’s beauty and could unnecessarily alienate others that one encounters. They are not encouraged, even though they are allowed. The mere fact that the ink goes into the skin in the latter case does not create a fundamental moral difference. Author: Created by annehill29.
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