A typical use of this feature is to construct family charts, where the asteroids named like the family members are added to a normal chart. In this article, we will present the meaning of several asteroids: Proserpina, Urania, Toro, Eurydice and Circe. Mostly discovered in the last 50 years, asteroids bring juicy, mind-blowing detail into a birth chart reading. The difference is purely the level of Awareness of our Actual Highest Self.Astrology still remains one of the best clues to know the present moment probability of classification. Sun Conjunct Interkosmos, Orb: 0 deg. Other countries such as France and India also participated in the program, which sent a number of manned and unmanned … Asteroids, on the other hand, are a modern addition to the astro-family. Although asteroid Kalypso has loads of different meanings, it can also talk about ‘hidden’ desires, talents, and relationships. Asclepius was the son of Apollo and princess Koronis. Astrology is rooted in theories that have been in use for thousands of years. )Dwads of Interkosmos line up with this Mitchell/ IC conjunction; helio Maury is also there - … Chart interpretation for Ms Nkosazana Clarice Dlamini-Zuma - Astrology South Africa. Matrix Win*Star Express for example has Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta as well as Chiron. Please select Asteroid numbers from this list. Aescualpia is the Roman equivalent of Aslcepius, so all the same rules apply. it's a very intense point that has mystical and metaphysical properties. Pythia was the original ‘oracle at Delphi’: a seer, clairvoyant, prophet and all-around psychic power. What I was trying to show him was the amazing configuration on his Tropical Ascendant of both the Draconic and Sidereal Sun conjunct asteroid Houston (site of NASA Mission Control) and his name, Mitchell, on his IC at birth (repeated for good measure by the Draconic and Sidereal dwad positions. This is a work in progress, but I wanted to group together some of the more ‘spiritual’ asteroids that may indicate in someone’s chart if there is a potential for spiritual/mystical healing, energy work or similar. Author: Topic: Asteroid Interkosmos!! By this, I mean that not only can you work with Pluto’s wife Proserpina, but also Jupiter’s wife Juno. Modern astrology charts cannot dispense with asteroids. Ceres asteroid: Ceres is the largest and roundest asteroid, resembling the Moon. This is a reference thread - we are attempting to collate useful posts from other threads on LL. All contributions welcomed. Asteroid Apollo can have the following meanings: provocation, defying the odds, naiveté, healing, being a healer, ‘physicial heal thyself’ (which was one of his inscriptions), clairvoyance, being a ‘seer’. Asteroids in astrology. Xanana Gusmao, who went from guerrilla soldier in Indonesian-occupied East Timor to president of the country, has Interkosmos in the eleventh house of politics, semisquare Pallas, Odysseus (a long and winding road, strategies) and Thersites (to say no), sextile Augeias (a mess to clean up), square Nessus (predatory), trine 1999 TD10 (invasion, empire, exuberance), quincunx 1994 TA (moral pollution), and opposite Pluto (power, transformation). Your report will also cover the aspects between these heavenly bodies and your natal planets as well as aspects between the asteroids themselves. If you have like to contrbute any information, ask questions or comment on anything you read here, could you please post these in the GOOD ASTEROIDS - Discussion thread. LOL, actually that list is originally from lucina on another site. Chariklo, Chiron and Pholus are Centaurs that you can read about here. Being a slow learner—attraction of recurrent and familiar crises; “banging your head against a brick wall. Some of these asteroids do not show up in normal asteroid searches online, so you’ll need to copy and paste the numbers into your chart. Eros in the 2nd House. The asteroids were all named after the female family of Jupiter. SATURN, INTERKOSMOS, SPIRIT, AND NORTH NODE in a rare configuration. He grew so skilled in the craft that he was able to restore the dead to life (using drops of Medusa’s blood which was given to him from Athena). In astrology the great attractor represents the key to the mystery of the Universe. Asteroid Astrology (linda-goodman forum) Demetra George: Asteroids: Windows into Fate and Destiny (lecture 2014, 1h11min) Bibliography. It has a period of 4 years, 21 days. HYGEIA was the goddess of good health and the daughter of the medicine-god Asklepios (Asclepius). The total number of additional bodies in a chart is limited to 10. Much of the feminine is left out of astrology aside from Venus and the Moon. On the left navigation, click on “Free Horoscopes”. Asteroid Panacea can have the following meanings: someone who works with salves, essential oils, herbs or plants to bring about healing; natural healers, good outcomes in medical situations. “The asteroids” sometimes are referred to as the four goddesses; Ceres, Juno, Pallas and Vesta. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 Astro-Seek.com Sorted Numerically; Ctrl+F to search this page for keywords. If you’re interesting in delving into this area of astrology, this will report will serve you well. From this time, physicians were called asclepiades and the profession was passed only from father to son. Visit Astro.com. Solar Fire has a fabulous range of asteroids and this can be added to via the Solar Fire website. The second house traditionally rules money, values, resources and innate capabilities. There are too many of them to include them all, so astrologers usually only analyze the five largest asteroids. Even the asteroids research it is something new, it is already proven that their influences can be experienced by us. He also taught Chiron, the centaur, about healing. The asteroid Booth (the assassin) was in the 12th House (secret enemies) in Taurus (John Wilkes Booth died of a gunshot wound to the neck). Asclepius was raised by the centaur Chiron who instructed him in the art of medicine. The Asteroid Pogson was so significant in his chart when he discovered Isis, infact Ast Pogson and Isis were exactly 120 degrees apart (decades before the object was named Asteroid Pogson). Enjoy! Hygeia (Good Health) was her sister, interestingly. The asteroid belt was discovered in the early 1800’s, and was largely neglected in astrology, partly because the orbits were a bit hard to track and so no ephemerides were available. Asteroids are a fantastic way to connect with mythology, but one must be careful not to give them too much weight in a natal chart.Asteroids are great fun to play with however, and I do find them synchronistic at times. It has a period of 4 years, 21 days. So i cooled down a bit and listened to your advice. But thanks, Sven. We have so many asteroid aspects on top of the couple of amazing vertex conjunctions… to name a few: my Ceres and Sappho conjunct by 1^ to her vertex, and her Isis and Sappho conjunct by <1^ to my Sun. You are very welcome! Astrology is rooted in theories that have been in use for thousands of years. 120 … LaGioconda Knowflake . Planets and Asteroids in Astrology Each Planet in Astrology has a vibration, which is felt within each individual either on a conscious level or on an un-conscious level. Asteroid Makhaon is more likely indicative of a surgeon or traditional doctor, broken bones, and extracted items. Not only are they essential in relationship astrology, but business astrology too. Still though, they are often ignored within mainstream systems of astrology, especially in more traditional astrology systems like Vedic astrology or Hellenistic astrology. Note the Divine Signatures in this discovery for seekers of astrology. There are several books on this subject and one of the most comprehensive is Angles and Predictions by Martha Lang-Wescott.. This was a crime against the natural order and so Zeus destroyed him with a thunderbolt. Man's SPIRIT conjunct Woman's VENUS: Potential to love her very enthusiastically. Pandora is both an asteroid as well as a Moon to Saturn, here we only speak about the asteroid Pandora. I tend to see this as an asteroid that can also talk about naturopathy, Ayurvedic healing, homeopathy or other natural/alternative healing methods. By myth, he was a military surgeon, so there can be a military or aid link. The Asteroid Pogson was so significant in his chart when he discovered Isis, infact Ast Pogson and Isis were exactly 120 degrees apart (decades before the object was named Asteroid Pogson). Enter birth data if you have not done so already. Asteroids, on the other hand, are a modern addition to the astro-family. Mark Andrew Holmes says ‘the ability to be silent or discreet, being indiscreet, informing, making trouble, bringing about transformations, being looked upon with dismay, apprehension or revulsion, and also medical attention and things pertaining to doctors or medicine’ are related to asteroid Askalaphus, as well as ‘health-care workers and informants. (55) Pandora. The type varies: Walk-Ins, First Timers, Parallel lifetimes, Recurring Visitors, Forgotten Starseeds [vast majority] etc. IP: Logged. Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009: posted January 08, 2009 04:34 AM Many of these also work in traditional medicine situations like nursing and surgeons. Author: Topic: IQ - Space Asteroids: PeaceAngel Knowflake . Podalirius was one of the sons of Asclepius and brother to Makhaon. How to Find the Asteroids in Your Natal Chart. Apollo was the Olympian god of prophecy and oracles, healing, plague and disease, music, song and poetry, archery, and the protection of the young. This Asteroids report adds depth to a natal chart reading with its interpretations of 12 asteroids and dwarf planets--Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, Astraea, Iris, Hygiea, Proserpina, Diana, Apollo, […] Asteroids astrology by Jamie Partridge, Astrology King. Some astrologers use Makhaon as a timing factor for surgeries. Social services, education and care. The asteroid Mary, representing Lincoln's widow, was also in the 12th (sorrows), void-of-course in the Pleiades a/k/a "the Weeping Sisters," and square Juno in the 10th (the First Lady). Hades is a hypothetical Trans-Neptunian Planets you can read about here. Asteroid Apollo can have the following meanings: provocation, defying the odds, naiveté, healing, being a healer, ‘physicial heal thyself’ (which was one of his inscriptions), clairvoyance, being a ‘seer’. So take a look and see if Astrology is part of your cosmic fate. 17 min. Asteroid Podalirius may involve medicine, medical treatment and internal disease. CERES: love/cash flow, productivity, receiving support and rejection. It is as if you are to act as a sort of judge or be a part of the jury in punishing the evil elites of this planet someday. Very strong aspects between Asteroid KARMA, DNA, INTERKOSMOS with Royal Stars or GC and SGC. To copy and paste: 5264, 1912, 4227, 1488, 11911, 37452, 5239, 3811, 2365, 42 You might not have heard of Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta but they’re important feminine energies to explore in the birth chart […] LOL, actually that list is originally from lucina on another site. The Planets that are closer to the Earth have a stronger vibration, or perhaps because it is closer to … Being a slow learner—attraction of recurrent and familiar crises; “banging your head against a brick wall. She and I are doing great together. Asteroids named after Roman/Latin archetypes are in your personal birth chart for premium members on this website, so that you can complete the family tree of your astrology. 1930 Asteroid Lucifer was discovered by E. Roemer at Flagstaff (USNO) on the 29th October 1964. Anne Heche, who went from straight to gay and back again, has Interkosmos in the eleventh house, sextile Ixion (bad karma, lust for life, to start over), trine Saturn (career, hard work, consequences) and Thersander (getting one's due), sesquiquadrate Juno (relationships), triseptile the North Node (transcending past conditioning) and opposite 2002 VE95 (qualified benefit). Her sisters included Panakeia (Panacea= Cure-All) and Iaso (Remedy). THE GOOD ASTEROIDS . Hirohito, who went from living god to the mere human being he always was, and from powerful emperor to mere figurehead, yet is still regarded by some as being a direct descendant of the gods of Shintoism, had Interkosmos in the first house, conjunct the Ascendant, sextile Damocles (drastic change, politics, experience of groupthink), quintile Pallas, square Heracles (to strive with), and quadnonagon Juno. There are about 10,000 asteroids that NASA tracks carefully, and if you think that planets and dwarf planets (like Pluto) shape your life and personal traits, then these numerous space rocks cannot just be ignored. You can read about the mythology of 12 Greco-Roman Asteroid Goddesses as well as the interpretations of each in the sign and house of your birth chart. The rule of thumb is, if you have any of the above asteroids conjunct your ascendant, north node, midheaven, in the ninth house, or making positive aspects to all, then these are excellent indicators of being an Astrology lover. Astrologically, Interkosmos seems to indicate what its name suggests: a bridge between worlds. Makhaon was the brother of Podalirius and son of Asclepius. Notably, the name (or rather the Hebrew equivalent) only appears once in the Hebrew Bible and […] According to Demetra George, Hygeia is involved in maintaining ‘health through right living with nature.' Rod Serling had Interkosmos in the fifth house of creativity, conjunct 1999 OX3 (cutting wit, practical knowledge) and the Vertex (significant or fated relationships), sextile Mercury (writing, talking, ideas) and Lilith (the arational), biseptile the Midheaven (career, authority, reputation), trine Thersander (getting one's due), biquintile the Part of Fortune (success, development of the life). Koronis was the one-time lover of Apollo as well as the mother of the healing lineage that included Asclepius and his sons Makhaon and Podalirius. Asteroids are relatively new to astrology, having only been discovered in the 19th century.However, some of them (especially the largest of them), are believed by some astrologers to influence human affairs. Similar to: (1027) Aesculapia, (4581) Asclepius, Chiron. It has a lot to do with valuing our self as a unique individual and can give indications of tangible longings, desires and aspirations. Asclepius was the Greek god of medicine. In the drop-down menu, click on “Horoscope Drawings and Calculations”. Finding Asteroids in Your Chart If you have your own astrology program, you will probably find that it will include at least a few of the minor planets. Michael Jackson, who went from impoverished child to entertainment superstar to living sideshow, has Interkosmos in the eighth house, semisextile 2002 VE95 and 1992 QB1 (making a stand), nonile the Midheaven, sesquiquadrate the East Point (how the world sees you), and biquintile Venus (art). Aspects to the Lunar Nodes, Black Moon Lilith, the Ascendant and the Midheaven will also be included. Ceres his sister, Juno his wife, Pallas Athena his daughter and Vesta another sister. But thanks, Sven. He is best known for declaring that Persephone had eaten the pomegranate seeds, which confirmed that her sexual awakening and inability to move freely above ground. )Dwads of Interkosmos line up with this Mitchell/ IC conjunction; helio Maury is also there - … Iris was known as a messenger and communicator, so themes here can include psychic capability, oracular work or chanelling. Like Makhaon, he was skilled in the medical arts, although Demetra George gives him extra signifigance in saying he was 'god of internal diseases and invisible wounds to the soul.'. Tony August 16, 2018 at 11:58 pm. Demetra George, 1986, Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Psychology and Astrology of the Reemerging Feminine, ACS Publications, Inc. Sara Jane Olson has Interkosmos conjunct Okyrhoe (loyalty to personal needs and beliefs) and Ceres (nurturing, family life), semisextile the Sun and 1992 QB1 (powerful ideas, witnessing, making one's stand), undecimal Pholus (courage before power), nonile Vesta, sextile Hylonome (the cry of the people, pathos) and Varuna (huge), quintile Juno (relationships, giving away one's power), square 1999 OX3 9cut off, practical knowledge and wiles), tredecile Chiron (self-wounding), trine Asbolus (awful experiences), opposite Boucolion (lack of sophistication). Iris was the ‘rainbow’ Goddess, whose name has become synonymous with the coloured part of our eyes as well as providing the base of the word iridescence. ', (14827) Hypnos - Can indicate hypnotherapy, NLP, analysis, (5239) Reiki - Named after the famous healing technique, (1191) Angel - Can indicate a connection to angelic realms, (1588) Aura - Crystal/aura-workers; seeing auras, (30) Urania - The Goddess of Astrology, Astronomy, Music and Numbers, (116) Sirona - Healing Goddess of fertility, water, (4679) Sybil - Priestess with Psychic Powers. Check the chart and planet conjunctions to understand more. Hygeia means ‘good health. As punishment, Demeter (Ceres) turned him into a screech-owl. Astrologically, Interkosmos seems to indicate what its name suggests: a bridge between worlds. The Asteroid Goddess Astrology Report has the mystery and power of the 12 goddesses. Asteroid Asclepius can have the following meanings: doctors, nurses, medicine, shamanism/shamanic healing (bring people back from the dead), prophetic dreams, being a ‘healer. Asteroid Online Calculator, Asteroids in Astrology Natal Chart - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. She worked with her father, the medicine-god Asclepius. Find out how to work with and include asteroids in your birth chart here. "The study of the asteroids within astrology is very new compared to the study of the planetary movements, as they were discovered in the 1800s, and the first asteroid … Discover the four asteroid goddesses in astrology – Ceres, Pallas, Juno And Vesta… THE ASTEROID GODDESSES They’re on a par with Pluto because the asteroids are just as big, and so, just as important. Asteroid 2365, Interkosmos, was discovered on December 30, 1980 by Zdenka Vavrova at Klet Observatory near Cesky Budovice, Czech Republic, and named for the Soviet-bloc space-exploration organization Interkosmos. Someday, DNA analysis will explain the actual truth. He was the father of Asclepius (Aesculapia). What I was trying to show him was the amazing configuration on his Tropical Ascendant of both the Draconic and Sidereal Sun conjunct asteroid Houston (site of NASA Mission Control) and his name, Mitchell, on his IC at birth (repeated for good measure by the Draconic and Sidereal dwad positions. The asteroid Booth (the assassin) was in the 12th House (secret enemies) in Taurus (John Wilkes Booth died of a gunshot wound to the neck). Mostly discovered in the last 50 years, asteroids bring juicy, mind-blowing detail into a birth chart reading. Asteroid meanings tend to be the same: someone with psychic or prophetic faculty. ', Asteroid Hygeia is about medical concerns and health (especially issues related to fitness); “hygiene” and cleanliness. Thanatologist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, who successfully promoted the concept of dying with dignity, has Interkosmos in the twelfth house, conjunct Chaos (activism), semisquare Mars and Agamemnon (vicious attacks), sextile Chiron (the wounded healer), trine the Moon and 1999 TD10 (something strange and frightening), sesquiquadrate the Sun, sesquiquadrate/semisquare the Nodal axis (transcendence of the past or the path of least resistance), and triseptile Vesta (dedication) . ', Similar to: (1027) Aesculapia, (4086) Podalirius, (14367) Hippokrates, (4946) Askalaphus. The asteroids help add the feminine back into the astrological chart. There are more Starseeds than we think are possible. According to Martha Lang-Wescott: What you believe it takes to find solutions, cures or remedies for problems (and not only those related to the health). Posts: 38 From: NRW, Germany Registered: Dec 2014: posted March 30, 2015 07:27 PM Panacea was the Greek goddess of cures and panaceas. Note the Divine Signatures in this discovery for seekers of astrology. Asteroids Reports We offer these Asteroids Reports: Iris Asteroids Goddess Asteroids The Iris Asteroids Report explores twelve asteroid or dwarf planet positions in the birth chart. Askalaphus was one of the ‘son of styx’ that worked in the Underworld in service to Hades (Pluto). Robert Graves suggests that the myth of Koronis represents the suppression of medical practice by women and its transference into the hands of the patriarchy (in the myth, Apollo cuts open Koronis to remove the baby Asclepius). In the next drop-down menu, click on “Extended Chart Selection”. To copy and paste: 5264, 1912, 4227, 1488, 11911, 37452, 5239, 3811, 2365, 42 His mother died in labour and when she was laid out on the pyre, Apollon cut the unborn child from her womb. Asteroid 2365, Interkosmos, was discovered on December 30, 1980 by Zdenka Vavrova at Klet Observatory near Cesky Budovice, Czech Republic, and named for the Soviet-bloc space-exploration organization Interkosmos. Lucifer’s Tale Once you start reading into the mythology, you soon find that there is a whole hoo-ha on who exactly Lucifer was.
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